Friday, October 17, 2008


India is a land of many religions with lots of beliefs and superstitions. Infact all religions around the globe push upon such beliefs on their followers that are taken as superstitions. When a religion professes its beliefs, the clergy must ensure that, such beliefs do not become a myth and wedge the governance or stifle the development of a nation. A religion’s mellowness can be known by the acts of its pundits, who bravely allow the country to march ahead even though it hurt its myths and beliefs. Infact that is what true belief is.

Thumba, near Thiruvanthapuram in Southern Kerala was a relatively unknown place. Today, this small village is in the radar of our coveted scientific program, thanks to the pragmatism shown by the Christian bishop, who allowed ISRO to construct its first rocket launching station in the church courtyard back in the early 1960’s. Even the politicians of that era had the bravery to persuade religious authorities to give up their property for a greater cause. But today, this pragmatism has vanished from our political arena and religions have started adopting sheer opportunism as the core behind all religious activities. When a religion declines morally, the civil society also rots.

The battle in the name of Lord Ram has been continuing for a long time now. It started with BJP’s political ascendancy in the late 1980’s. With the demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992, it helped in culminating the destruction of the fragile secular credentials of Indian polity. In today’s political scene, Lord Ram has re-emerged in the form of “Ram Sethu” deep under sea scuttling Sethusamudram canal project. The environmental and financial viability of the project is often forgotten. Religious twists taken by this project degraded the debate on its merits to a mere sham.

Religion in India has been shaping each and every aspect of a citizen’s life. Very few in our country actually practice religion in an active manner after having imbibed it in its true spirit. Majority of our citizens will fall into the categories of atheists, religious fanatics or pseudo-secularists. Who is more dangerous?

Atheist means a person who believes that there is no God. He is not dangerous to a civil society. A true atheist, free from all “isms” is a real boon to the society. A civil society can tolerate an atheist easily. He never instigates a fight between various religions. He never hurts any religious sentiments. The mental state of a true atheist and a true believer is one and the same. They both hurt no one and don’t preach fanaticism. They both respect each other and will never use the word ‘Secular’ or ‘God’ or ‘Religion’ in public. They both are above secularism.

Pseudo-secularists are those who preach secularism and practice religious fanaticism. They believe in god. They are unsure about their religious identity and are not ready to accept it publicly. They do not understand the concept of God or religion. They use it merely as a tool to gain advantage or significant influence over the other. Rule of the country by a pseudo-secularist is a danger to a nation’s fragile religious co-existence.

Religious fanatics are, in a sense, terrorists. They preach and practice fanaticism. They believe violently in their religion. They do not respect the existence of other beliefs. Infact, they often forget the truth that, every religious text preaches religious co-existence and not destruction. They believe that their way of living is the only route to salvation. They are a curse to the society.

Ever since independence, India is being ruled by a combination of pseudo-secularists and fanatics. Their rhetoric often crossed the line of decency which leads to the instigation of communal violence in one form or another to gain political advantage over illiterate and socially disadvantaged classes.

India is expected to become a developed country within the next 50 years. But in such a religiously bewildered state, her route to becoming one is hindered. Religious gurus, intelligentsia and political leaders of our times have to steer the youth in the direction that will help them identify their true religious identity and make them aware about the existence of believers and atheists. But today, unfortunately, India will be the only country which rakes up names of various gods and stalls governance or more clearly, puts a break in the country’s growth prospects.

Religion is for the people and not people for religion. Therefore, the rules and myths that guide a religion should not be rigid. Religious preachers should allow its believers to look beyond the accepted norms and myths. A religion which has true confidence in its values will allow it. But in today’s world, religion is forcing people to look more inwards, thereby giving out an ominous sign about its un-surety over its own values. Or could it be that a true religion which has inherent strength in its own beliefs and thoughts that allows its people to think beyond its sacred rules is yet to come? Till then we may have to contend ourselves with these inward looking religions and its pseudo secular preachers.

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