Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Evolution of mankind cannot be understood without explaining conflicts. Last century witnessed numerous wars. Post Second World War, colonialism perished swiftly. Great Britain’s supremacy ended. A new world order saw the emergence of US and Soviet Union as super powers. The avalanche of changes materialized with the fall of communism in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe stunned humanity. Market capitalism fortified socialist China to emerge as a threat to US hegemony. Presently, China’s control over South East Asia and Indian Ocean is total.

20th century witnessed a great deal of bloodshed across continents. Two world wars, rise and fall of Cold war, rising tension in the Middle East, Israel- Palestine conflict, Soviet aggression of Afghanistan, Indo- Pak war, Indo- China war, war over Suez Canal and numerous revolutions fought across from Russia to Indonesia are glowing illustrations of man’s unquenchable hunt for power. Conventional wars, violent and non-violent revolutions were the modus operandi to accomplish this.

Human race is yet to comprehend the mystery of 21st century unconventional warfare. Security forces often failed to identify their enemy. This leads to victimization of innocent citizens. Polity is stunned over this mayhem. Fear is slowly creeping into the minds of citizens across countries. Rogue organizations still use guerilla warfare and suicide bomb attacks tactically to terrorize the enemies.

Oil wealth; allow petroleum rich countries to often force their agenda over its client states. This helped Russia to re-emerge as a strong regional power to unsettle former Soviet states and Europe. Venezuela is another major oil producer, which uses their wealth to buy out smaller countries in its fight against US.

Now, countries with malevolent intentions raid enemy’s computer systems diligently to choke their competence. This mode of attack is known as cyber attacks. Cyber attacks means, network and security systems of an enemy country is penetrated to either destruct the entire system or to extract sensitive and confidential intelligence information without using human intelligence or signal interception as commonly adopted. The methods allegedly used by various powers are Denial of service attack or Trojan horse.

Ø Denial of service attack means – attacker sends e-mail bomb (hundreds of emails per second) from randomly generated false addresses; Internet service provider’s email is over loaded and shuts down.

Ø Trojan horse means - unauthorized computer instructions in an authorized and properly functioning program.

There are many other methods also. (The known methods are listed below). Destruction of banking systems and telecommunication networks through cyber attacks will have catastrophic effect. Target country’s silence often acts as an impediment in identifying the culprits. The reason for such silence is the loss of goodwill among its citizen. No law can stop this war. Neither victims nor attackers claim publicly of their success or failures. It’s a dumb war.

Russia and China is often accused of cyber attacks. China sole agenda is to overtake US in every sphere and become a global super power. They use conventional and unconventional techniques to silence its critics.

Media reports of recent attacks on France, US, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, India by the Chinese and alleged Estonian attacks by the Russians are live examples of cyber war. During the recent Caucuses discord, there were media reports that Russians raided Georgian systems too often. (The known attacks are listed below)

Countries must develop the know-how to stop the rogue organization from conducting cyber attacks. Already there are evidences to show their involvement in cyber warfare. Recently in India, terrorist organization targeted unsecured wi-fi networks to send warning mails before bomb blasts.

The term “Cyber Warfare” is not properly defined universally. United Nations must step in to draw a clear policy against Cyber Warfare. The immediate commitment from all countries must be to stop attacking each other. Rescuing our globe from rogue attacks should be the first priority. Freeware technology should be used extensively to develop quality firewalls to thwart such attempts.

Over centuries, greed for power destroyed many a countries and communities. Russians and Chinese never accept Western geo-political positions and vice – versa also. In International relations, to protect their respective positions, super powers often play cat and mouse. It leads to strife and tensions. Until unity happens among major countries, poor citizens across the world suffer silently. Therefore at this juncture, global community must ensure that their activities are not self-destructive to our existence.


- SOURCE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber-warfare
Known attacks:

The United States had come under attack from computers and computer networks situated in China and Russia. These attacks are named as Titan Rain and Moonlight Maze. It is not clear if attackers originated in those countries or used compromised computers there.

On May 17, 2007 Estonia came under cyber attack. The Estonian parliament, ministers, banks and media were targeted.
On first week of September 2007, Chinese hackers attacked computers belonging to The Pentagon, French, German and British government. The Chinese government denies any involvement.
On 14 December 2007 the website of the Kyrgyz Central Election Commission was defaced during its election. The message left on the website read “ This site has been hacked by Dream of Estonian organization”. During the election campaigns and riots preceding the election, there were cases of Denial of service attacks against Kyrgyz.
In the second week of April hackers hacked the Indian MEA computers.
Georgia fell under cyber attacks during the 2008 South Ossetia War.

Types of attacks:

There are several methods of attack in cyber-warfare; this list is ranked in order of mildest to most severe.
Cyber Espionage: Cyber espionage is the act or practice of obtaining secrets (sensitive, proprietary of classified information) from individuals, competitors, rivals, groups, governments and enemies from military, political or economic advantage using illegal exploitation methods on internet, networks, software and or computers.
Web Vandalism: Attacks that deface web pages or denial of service attacks. This is normally swiftly combated and of little harm.
Propaganda: Political messages can be spread through or to anyone with access to the Internet.
Gathering data: Classified information that is not handled securely can be intercepted and even modified, making espionage possible from the other side of the world.
Distributed Denial of service attacks: Large numbers of computers in one country launch a DoS attack against systems in another country
Equipment disruption: Military activities that use computers and satellites for co-ordination are at risk from this type of attack. Orders and communications can be intercepted or replaced, putting soldiers at risk.
Attacking critical infrastructure: Power, water, fuel, communications, commercial and transportation are all vulnerable to a cyber attack.
Compromised Counterfeit hardware: Common hardware used in computers and networks that have malicious software hidden inside the software, firmware or even the microprocessors.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


In 2004, seeing the glory of Indian IT industry, noted writer and journalist Mr. Thomas Friedman declared that “World is flat”. In the post Soviet era, market dynamics consumed all countries with vengeance. Executives amassed wealth by undertaking inordinate risks. Regulations were forgotten across markets. Companies extolled their daredevilry.

Alarming wealth betrayed mankind often. Cracks in the system emerged from late 2006. One crisis led to another. First victim was housing sector. Credit crunch forced banks and financial institutions to burst across US and Europe. Global markets crashed due to recession fears in the western markets. World’s ferocious free market ayatollah’s panicked. Taxpayer’s money found their way into failing banks. In hell, Karl Marx should by smiling!!!

Luckily Indian banks escaped unhurt. As expected, stock market crashed to below 10k levels. Government and RBI are overworking to ensure the momentum of Indian growth story. Cash Reserve ratio for banks reduced. In the last 10 days, markets witnessed Government infusion of around one-lakh crore rupees to ease the liquidity pressures.

In India, aviation industry became the first martyr of the current phase of depression. Market recession, high oil prices and heavy duties severely restricted aviation industry’s prospects. To curb further losses, Indian premium airline, Jet Airways initially decided to lay off 1900 employees. Majority of them are probationary staff. Those smiling faces that welcome us in flights unexpectedly turned red. Minister for Civil Aviation shared their grief. He blames his cabinet colleagues for not lending enough support to save aviation companies. He is politically correct.

Exasperated, sacked employees went to Maratha firebrand Raj Thackery. Till recently educated middle class brandished his hatred against North Indians as a threat to Indian federalism. But at this moment of despair, they preferred a known troublemaker to solve their problems. Ideologically, Raj Thackery can interfere in this scuffle. Mr. Naresh Goyal the chairman of Jet Airways, being a North Indian shall be stopped from entering Maharashtra. By grounding all Mumbai bound Jet flights, he can show his profound love towards the Maratha pride. Later wisdom prevailed and Mr. Goyal himself withdrew the retrenchment order. Now the fight is for who must get the name and fame for this sudden withdrawal. Atleast employees are happy and joined for work silently. But our minister and young scaremonger is fighting for limelight.

Indeed, World has become round again. Market pundits who preached capitalism went into hiding. Executives, who are guilty for this mayhem, escaped in ‘golden parachutes’- (fat termination cheques). They will again come back at the onset of next boom.

Poor never get the fruits of boom in the market. Recession makes their life piteous. They are the forgotten lot. This greedy world will always forget them. Therefore they cannot expect a way out.

In a matter of few years, world will be roaring again. Then across globe money will be earned at an alarming rate. Next boom will witness the flattening of world more dynamically. Tightened regulations should be followed strictly. That’s the only way to restrain gluttony. Hope that better sense prevails during the next phase of boom.

Friday, October 17, 2008


India is a land of many religions with lots of beliefs and superstitions. Infact all religions around the globe push upon such beliefs on their followers that are taken as superstitions. When a religion professes its beliefs, the clergy must ensure that, such beliefs do not become a myth and wedge the governance or stifle the development of a nation. A religion’s mellowness can be known by the acts of its pundits, who bravely allow the country to march ahead even though it hurt its myths and beliefs. Infact that is what true belief is.

Thumba, near Thiruvanthapuram in Southern Kerala was a relatively unknown place. Today, this small village is in the radar of our coveted scientific program, thanks to the pragmatism shown by the Christian bishop, who allowed ISRO to construct its first rocket launching station in the church courtyard back in the early 1960’s. Even the politicians of that era had the bravery to persuade religious authorities to give up their property for a greater cause. But today, this pragmatism has vanished from our political arena and religions have started adopting sheer opportunism as the core behind all religious activities. When a religion declines morally, the civil society also rots.

The battle in the name of Lord Ram has been continuing for a long time now. It started with BJP’s political ascendancy in the late 1980’s. With the demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992, it helped in culminating the destruction of the fragile secular credentials of Indian polity. In today’s political scene, Lord Ram has re-emerged in the form of “Ram Sethu” deep under sea scuttling Sethusamudram canal project. The environmental and financial viability of the project is often forgotten. Religious twists taken by this project degraded the debate on its merits to a mere sham.

Religion in India has been shaping each and every aspect of a citizen’s life. Very few in our country actually practice religion in an active manner after having imbibed it in its true spirit. Majority of our citizens will fall into the categories of atheists, religious fanatics or pseudo-secularists. Who is more dangerous?

Atheist means a person who believes that there is no God. He is not dangerous to a civil society. A true atheist, free from all “isms” is a real boon to the society. A civil society can tolerate an atheist easily. He never instigates a fight between various religions. He never hurts any religious sentiments. The mental state of a true atheist and a true believer is one and the same. They both hurt no one and don’t preach fanaticism. They both respect each other and will never use the word ‘Secular’ or ‘God’ or ‘Religion’ in public. They both are above secularism.

Pseudo-secularists are those who preach secularism and practice religious fanaticism. They believe in god. They are unsure about their religious identity and are not ready to accept it publicly. They do not understand the concept of God or religion. They use it merely as a tool to gain advantage or significant influence over the other. Rule of the country by a pseudo-secularist is a danger to a nation’s fragile religious co-existence.

Religious fanatics are, in a sense, terrorists. They preach and practice fanaticism. They believe violently in their religion. They do not respect the existence of other beliefs. Infact, they often forget the truth that, every religious text preaches religious co-existence and not destruction. They believe that their way of living is the only route to salvation. They are a curse to the society.

Ever since independence, India is being ruled by a combination of pseudo-secularists and fanatics. Their rhetoric often crossed the line of decency which leads to the instigation of communal violence in one form or another to gain political advantage over illiterate and socially disadvantaged classes.

India is expected to become a developed country within the next 50 years. But in such a religiously bewildered state, her route to becoming one is hindered. Religious gurus, intelligentsia and political leaders of our times have to steer the youth in the direction that will help them identify their true religious identity and make them aware about the existence of believers and atheists. But today, unfortunately, India will be the only country which rakes up names of various gods and stalls governance or more clearly, puts a break in the country’s growth prospects.

Religion is for the people and not people for religion. Therefore, the rules and myths that guide a religion should not be rigid. Religious preachers should allow its believers to look beyond the accepted norms and myths. A religion which has true confidence in its values will allow it. But in today’s world, religion is forcing people to look more inwards, thereby giving out an ominous sign about its un-surety over its own values. Or could it be that a true religion which has inherent strength in its own beliefs and thoughts that allows its people to think beyond its sacred rules is yet to come? Till then we may have to contend ourselves with these inward looking religions and its pseudo secular preachers.


Campus confrontations among various political student organizations are regular in Kerala. Unlike the politics at DU (Delhi University) or JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University), here, at college and university levels rarely do altercations crop up based on ideologies or values. The unique facet of campus politics in Kerala is that, confrontations are more physical than ideological. Campus politics are often based on local party foot soldier’s whims and fancies rather than a beginning to the ideological growth of a student who desires to go into the coveted political life. Every year, a handful of students belonging to some political organizations die in such struggles. The recent death of an ASI (Assistant Sub Inspector) of the Kerala Police at NSS Hindu College, Changanasherry during a campus showdown between the ABVP (Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishadh) and SFI (Student Federation of India) protesters is very unfortunate.

Asking campuses to ban politics due to this is gibberish. Infact, healthy political practices in a college campus will help a student to take part in the nation building process. The objective of a political process in college campuses should end there. Often it crosses that sacrosanct line. But why? Reasons are many and old. Criminals among students, impartiality of law enforcing agencies in providing a just inquiry into cases relating to campus politics, corruption in the police force, outside goons entering college campuses, lack of good student leaders with vision who can really channalize the resources of youth towards right direction and on goes the list.

In Kerala, clergy supported managements run most colleges. Managements are responsible for the peaceful atmosphere in a campus. They should not meddle with student politics and must take timely corrective measures as and when these political outbreaks breach the harmony in a college campus. A strict and impartial action from managements can very well stop this lawlessness in our college campuses, which they often fail to do. Now why do they fail to stop such activities? Are they ready to think and act impartially on these matter or atleast help police forces to take correct action? In reality, managements are quite happy with the way politics are being carried out in our campuses. It helps them to groom political slaves with no clear ideological reputation. By this, they ensure that these slaves will help to save their political interests in the future.

Due to the pressure from vote bank politics, a political party becomes a hock to various castes and communities. The group representing managements are often seen as puppets in the hands of clergies who inturn control these colleges and institutions. Various political parties are depended on them to get votes in elections, thereby becoming an outside supporter to this drama played out on the life of numerous students who are involved in the campus politics.

The general public are either ignorant or often forget this truth. Parent Teacher Associations at colleges can play an active role in putting pressure on these managements to desist from such dangerous practices. Biggest fall out of our college educations system is the presence of the so-called managements who see colleges with a biased and business mind. They simply fail to understand the pulse of students and there by, invite more trouble that leads to many unfortunate events.

How can a college management be regulated in this matter effectively? Since politician – management nexus has always played a crucial role in campus politics; regulating management through a political process will not fetch the desired result.

Clergy backed managements should be given a strict warning from interfering with campus politics. Action must be taken immediately for erring students. Security in college campus should be strengthened, especially during election days, strike, important college gatherings and student’s entry should strictly on the basis of identification. It is to be ensured that on such days students are checked for possession of arms. Campuses also should be kept under strict security surveillance. Students with criminal background should be monitored. Civic society and courts need to ponder on this subject in detail to find out workable solutions.

Death of a police officer during a fight in a campus is unfortunate and dangerous. It points out to two aspects. How nasty students can be and how ill prepared our police force are? Now, it can be argued that the whole thing was an accident. It might be correct and mostly it will be. In such a campus fight it is very rare that students actually want to kill a police officer. That answers the first part. But the second part needs deep reflection within the think-tank of the police. Here too it can be argued that the whole thing was an accident. But will this argument help them from facing the reality? In future, police forces in action will think twice before hitting an angry crowd.

Our police forces are not trained according to the demands of 21st century governance. It is sad to see, many a times, in electronic media, how badly at many places rioters beat and attack police men. Sending an ageing force to face a young and angry mob can at times be stupid. In this case, the policeman who died was 47 year old. Another official, 51 years of age, had a heart failure seeing his fellow officer die after getting hit on his forehead. It is ridiculous, even though this statement is harsh on the said policeman. This is the state of many police officers at different part of our country. How often are they able to stop the protestors from destroying public property?

How many of our police officers are actually physically fit to face a protesting mob? The answer will be, shockingly, a very few. A fresh police officer out from a police academy looks excellently fit. Over the years, why is it that the same officer is not able to maintain this fitness level? A modern day physique of a police officer at the age of 45 + will give a strong competition to a pregnant woman expecting her kid the next week. While facing an angry mob of agitators, sometimes with weapons, a policeman often needs the fitness to atleast protect him. Even at times he may have to run behind an agitator to arrest him. How many police officers have the physical fitness to really do that? In movies it’s very common that stars with huge figures run behind villain through difficult terrain for a long distance. Unfortunately, many of our high-tech policemen who travel in AC Qualis, Innovas and Accents may find this very difficult to achieve. The up gradation of our police force often stops with the brand of new vehicles the department buys for their day-to-day use.

It is the responsibility of the home department to give security to those police officers that are facing these agitators. In this recent case, the home department clearly failed in giving them the required protection. The department must ensure the safety of police officers that are in the field. Otherwise it will demoralize the forces. . State Intelligence should be strengthened to identify the possible threats.

Police training system should be overhauled immediately and effectively to meet the requirement of modern days. Strict fitness rules should be adopted. Present police officers should be given a time frame to regain their fitness. Training systems should match the crime profile of that era. Annual drilling camps should be conducted, so that the present force will receive proper training yearly.

Police forces should be encouraged to develop leadership among their cadres. A good leader can motivate police forces to a very great extent. A well-trained police officer should be properly maintained emotionally, physically and economically. Else it will fire back at the time of an emergency.

Also it is the responsibility of a civil society to respect and treat a police officer well. An underutilized or an over worked police force can become a liability to the society.

Regulation of student politics by passing a law is not a workable solution. It needs action and thought beyond the law book. Healthy campus politics projects the maturity of various interest groups like college managements, student organization, parent-teacher associations etc. Unbiased politics will ensure a serene and healthy atmosphere within a campus.


Who must lead our country? The ‘am aadmi’ of the world’s biggest democracy faces this fascinating question at the time of every election. Do we have genuine alternatives in our country to choose from? The answer is an incredible "No”.

India as a country is abundant with politicians. We, the Indian citizens, must take pride in the fact that ours will be the only country in the world where a very large number of people are taking up politics as a profession for a living. We can call this group ‘political consultants’. They are thorough professionals who perform a wide range of activities from assisting a layman in getting help from police stations to broker deals in defense purchases, from settling local disputes to negotiating for ministerial berths in the dark rooms of various coalition boardrooms, from controlling and manipulating the funds of local co-operative banks to causing mayhem in the securities market, from doing petty politics at the Panchayat level to toppling the Governments in New- Delhi. Some such consultants are so universal as to mortgage our nation to various multilateral financial institutions. They work from anywhere and from any part of the Earth. Now these consultants have diversified their business portfolio to include tour programmes for various legislators who are interested in bringing down the incumbent governments as was witnessed a few months back in Karnataka. In addition to such tour programmes these dissident legislators will be adequately rewarded. If such incidents continue to occur one can say with surety that the future is bright for the Indian Tourism industry-Incredible India!!!

As of late the Raj Bhavans are the favorite place for these consultants to plan and execute their job. Our Raj Bhavan gives shelter to aged socialist era politicians. Pathetic is the condition, where in this era of globalization, two generations come together and implement scientific ways to ouster opposition Chief Ministers. In some states, fractional politics has reached such a stage that leaders of the ruling party abet with the Governors and try toppling the Government.

The integrity of persons holding key constitutional positions like the Governor and the Speaker is questionable. Instead of safeguarding the constitution, they are more concerned with pleasing the political masters in Delhi. The Supreme Court is helpless in this regard. The President is in an even worse spot. Instead of keeping quiet and silently agreeing to what the Union cabinet is proposing, as is being done presently, he must assess the crisis precisely and approve it with prudence. The Electorate is ready to follow the crowd. Lack of definite ideology and vision restricts a commoner from thinking out of the box. Infact, they are indifferent towards politics.

Who is secular in this country? The answer to this question is that every political party in India has played communal politics at different stages depending upon the mood of the electorate. Politics is an emotional issue in India and over the years all the elections have been fought with communal sentiments. India will be the only country in the world where the issue of constructing a Ram Temple at Ayodhya gets more significance than any other developmental activity. Even now there is a political party that is making it an issue to pacify its cadres.

A good political leader must be an Ideologist, a visionary, a technocrat, and above all, must have a clear and strong mass support. Twenty first century Indian politicians do not show any promise in this regard. In fact, there is a clear dearth of leaders who can actually steer our motherland towards growth and prosperity.

Why does India fail to magnetize youth towards the mainstream polity? Which force restricts the youth from entering into politics? Is it the fear about future, total disdain towards politics and governance, lack of clarity in thought or is it sheer irresponsibility and a trouble-free outlook of the modern day ‘dudes’?

How well India channelises the hidden power of the youth will decide its future. Educated altruists must contribute to the social order by accepting responsibilities at their own Panchayats, Municipalities or Corporations. Apart from giving training in a wide range of subjects from dawn to dusk, spiritual institutions, schools and universities must include lessons in their core course curriculum to inculcate values and discipline in their scholars. Citizens must be encouraged to take up various societal responsibilities at an early age.

The moment has come for India to come out from the shackles of indolence to the glory of hard work. To quote George Bernard Shaw “Life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch, which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” The Indian youth must appreciate the true meaning and value behind this great man’s words and should make life in India indeed an incredible one.