Sunday, June 28, 2009


In a democracy, people’s vote is sacrosanct. If anyone tinkers with it, then chaos is the result. Present day Iran is a classic paradigm for this. In 1970, clergy along with the people waged a revolution and overthrew an American backed corrupt Shah. After the revolution, clerics never ceded power. They indirectly controlled power over parliament through an unelected Guardian Council. From monarchical dictatorship, Iran plunged into religious absolutism.

In the name of faith, rulers enjoyed absolute freedom at the expense of citizens. Rampant unemployment and high inflation rates affected Iran’s society like a cancer. Clergy detested the liberals. They backed religious radical’s election after elections.

Mr. Ahmadinejad, the incumbent president of Iran is considered a favorite to the ruling elite. He is a demagogue who spits violence and hatred. He is against imperialism, but supports the despotic clergy. If recent reports are to be believed the ruling elite rigged national elections and crushed the electorate’s choice. Last week world witnessed incessant public protests against this injustice. Scores of youth thronged streets and engaged in street fights with the revolutionary guards (a military force labeled as terrorist organization by US). Future is at stake for them. Atleast 10 people lost life in the fray.

Rhetoric never satisfies people. Food, job, shelter, security, peace will satisfy common man. War is a boon for ruling class and a bane to the public. With mindless rhetoric, Iran’s clergy pushed their country into the brink of an impending economic collapse.

Iran continues to finance rogue organizations across Middle East to wage war against Israel but hardly did anything to improve the living conditions of impoverished Iranians. Economic collapse will prompt people to take law into their hands. This is a lesson to all governments across world.

This is an opportunity smell out by the Iranians to overthrow religious radicals backed by unelected clergy from the governance. It’s a now or never moment for them. Mistakes are not meant to be repeated. Clergy must realize this.

Images of dying Neda will blossom in the minds of people of Iran. It gave renewed confidence to Iranians to fight for justice. Outside world may never know the circumstances behind her death, but she gave hope to the millions who fight against injustice.

In1979, through a revolution, religious clerics changed the course of Iran’s history. Now it’s the turn of layman to rewrite the history again. Hindsight, we realize that, at both instances malady is same and also the remedy. Only doctor’s changed. And the moral of this whole episode is that, in long term, people will not tolerate totalitarian instincts in any form from anyone.